USA tourist visa Jalandhar

Be a USA Tourist Visa Holder with Our Service

Explore the spectacular country of the United States of America with a tourist visa that we will obtain it for you within a month. Our experienced USA tourist visa Jalandhar team will explore your immigration path, and thereafter will submit your application to the US embassy. With close to 10 years of experience in the immigration industry, we have achieved numerous USA tourist visa approvals for new and reattempting applicants of Jalandhar and nearby places. If you are a denizen of this locale and ready to apply for a USA tourist visa Jalandhar, meet our USA tourist visa consultants in Jalandhar. Visit our office or give us a call, you will experience our highly reputed support nonetheless.

Why Choose Our USA Tourist Visa Services in Jalandhar?

• Our professional support will make things more manageable & practical for you.
• We will inform you in-depth about the entire visa process.
• Applying for a US tourist visa is a long and tiresome task that takes time and knowledge of paperwork that we will do it for you.
• We complete all formalities accurately.
• We have a high USA tourist visa Jalandhar success rate.
• We are expert in availing tourist visa for refusal cases.
• We can assist you with trip finances.
• We will prepare you for the US visa interview.
• We offer post departure support to you.

There are Two Types of US Tourist Visa

• B1 Visa is issued to individuals who will visit for business, conference meet, buy and sell a property or complete a deal.

• B2 Visa is issued for medical treatment, social event or pursuing a short-term program or course.

The B1/B2 is non-immigrant US visa that is valid for a period of a month to ten years depending on the nature of your visit. Visa holders can make entry into US, single or multiple times according to the allotted duration. The maximum interval, a US tourist visa holder can stay is 6 month per visit.

Requirements for US Tourist Visa for a Student, Employed and Business Person

• Valid passport
• National ID
• Strong financial backup.
• Proof of strong ties to home country.
• Cover letter to state your nature of visit.
• Property or assets ownership proof
• Travel itinerary, history and insurance
• Medical examination report
• Company Profile
• Job appointment letter
• Leave sanctioned letter
• Salary certificate
• No criminal track record.
• Return ticket.

Processing time for a USA Tourist Visa

The processing time for a USA tourist visa Jalandhar is three to five days.

Fees for Applying for a USA Tourist Visa

The fee to pay for a tourist visa of USA is $160.

What US Tourist Holders are Not Permitted to Do in USA?

• Study for a regular 365-day course.
• Be part of any paid professional service or performance.
• Apply for Green card.
Doing the above will lead to your deportation back to your country of origin or ban.

Avenir Educations offer customised and cost-effective USA tourist visa service in Jalandhar. We will navigate you through the application process and forward your file quickly, so you can reach the greatest nation on earth with comfort. Discuss your USA travel plans with us.

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(10am - 05 pm)