UK Study Visa Jalandhar


People of Jalandhar love going to the United Kingdom (UK) in pursuit of good education and great career. Home to one of the best Universities of the world, UK offers a student-centric academic life that makes it a favourite study destination. If, you need to experience high quality knowledge and reap exciting student benefits in UK, then our proven track record of success in assisting several individuals with UK study visa Jalandhar is a boon to your dreams. Although, some restrictions are in place to keep tabs on the flow of incoming students, still we are able to triumph as the go-to guy UK student visa consultant in Jalandhar. Remember, securing a UK study Visa is not a cakewalk. Since Avenir Educations have a good command in this area, our service will be worth your investment.


Many Colleges & Universities in the UK do not need your IELTS Bands only if have scored 75% in the English language in 12th. Otherwise, you need to prove your language proficiency through:

  • IELTS (International English Language Testing System)
  • TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language)
  • PTE (Pearson Test of English)
  • Duolingo

High Quality Learning & Living Experience

The fact that UK offers best UK study visa Jalandhar and high quality knowledge and attracts students from around the globe is due to the UK Government’s support in sustaining academic standards. Regularly the academic plans are assessed so nothing is out of time but dynamic. Further, all programs in UK are professional by nature that makes it easy for students to start professional life and earn soon. Also, UK is a blend of modern and traditional settings that makes the stay vibrant.

Kinds of Degrees

Undergraduate (UG)

  • Foundation year
  • Foundation degree
  • Bachelor’s degree

Postgraduate (PG)

  • Master’s degree
  • Doctorate

Facts about UK

  • Learning institutions in the UK are consistently ranked in the top spot.
  • 5% of the world’s scientific research and 14% of the world’s most frequently cited papers belong to UK.
  • Flexible programs that enable students to opt academic and vocational together.
  • Modern knowledge imparted in the UK gives student the freedom to be creative and skilful.
  • Students are taught and guided by the world’s leading academics and experts.
  • Interest based and tailormade education that includes specialised modules.
  • Ideal place to develop and improve language abilities and employment prospects.

Study & Work

International students can work part-time, on and off the campus for 20 hours per week in the UK. During academic breaks, the works hours increase.

Work Visa for Graduates

International student after completing graduation can work for up to 2 years through a work visa in UK. For doctoral degrees, the time period extends to 3 years. Upon receiving the work visa in the UK, the status of the visa turns to skilled Work Visa.

Valuable service by our UK study visa Jalandhar consultant makes us invaluable

What do We Have for You?

  • 1 to 1 consultation
  • Program & college select suggestion
  • SOP for LOA
  • UK study visa Jalandhar application filing
  • Pre & Post departure support

Our Awards and Achievements

Seminar Conducted By

Avenir Educations Pvt. Ltd., Kangra At
Sacred Heart Sr. Sec. School, Sidhpur, Dharamshala

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)