New Zealand dependent visa services in Jalandhar

We’ll Help You Join Your Loved Ones in New Zealand

We will help you accompany your family member or close relative in New Zealand (NZ). Our New Zealand visa consultant Jalandhar team has fulfilled dreams of hundreds of individuals from Jalandhar and around who are now living with their spouse, parents and kinsfolks in New Zealand. If you have a citizen or permanent resident in New Zealand who you want to be with, we will obtain the New Zealand dependent visa for you to spend your life over there. We understand that how hard it is to stay far from a loved one whom your life depends upon. Taking your circumstance into consideration, Avenir Educations are here to offer you the best New Zealand Dependent Visa Services in Jalandhar. We’ve acquired New Zealand Dependent Visa for first-time and reattempting applicants. It doesn’t matter to us because we put sincere efforts on each submission. So, give us a call or visit our office, to begin your New Zealand dependent visa services in Jalandhar process.

Why Choose Our New Zealand Dependent Visa Services in Jalandhar?

• We have vast experience of immigration consultancy as working since 2015.
• We provide effective and transparent service.
• We respect and protect your privacy and personal information.
• Our guidance is absolutely free.
• We offer pre and post departure support.

Eligibility to Apply for NZ Dependent Visa

There are three kinds of relationship that are eligible to apply for New Zealand dependent visa:

• Married individuals
• Children
• Grandparents

Please note that your relationship must be genuine and steady, and should not be represented for the sake of acquiring a visa, otherwise your entry to New Zealand will be banned.

Dependent Visa for Married Individual is for the spouse of an NZ citizen or PR holder, and can apply to move to New Zealand by providing proof of your genuine and stable relationship. For example, relationship history through messages, marriage certificate, shared finances, and living situation. Also, required are medical health and police clearance certificate.

Dependent Visa for Children is applicable for children NZ citizen or PR holder parents invite them to provide them parental and financial support. Children ageing less than 24 years and are unmarried can apply under this program. They are permitted to stay in NZ for unspecified period. Also, children can pursue studies following their stream of interest through dependent visa.

There are two types of NZ Dependent Visa for children

• Dependent children of NZ temporary visa holders can invite their children who are single and are not older than 19 years. The studying parent must have an annual income of NZ$43,322.76. The children are permitted to enrol in primary education free of cost.

• Dependent children of NZ work permit holders are eligible to bring their children who are single and are not older than 19 years. The children will stay as per the length of stay of their parents. The children can pursue a course whose duration is of 3 months.

Dependent Visa for Parents of NZ immigrants can apply, if their children are permanent residents or citizens in New Zealand. The permitted stay duration is 18 months, in total of 3 years for multiple entry.

There are two types of NZ Dependent Visa for parents.

The Parent Resident Visa – Immigrants with PR or citizenship status in New Zealand can bring their parents for an unspecified duration. The parents are free to live, work, or study on dependent visa.

The Parent Retirement Resident Visa – Similar to the parent resident, this visa category is designed for PR holders and citizens of New Zealand to bring their parents permanently to the country. However, the eligibility criteria to fulfil is a bit complex for which you need our expert assistance.
Meet our New Zealand visa consultant Jalandhar team today!

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