Canada tourist visa Jalandhar

Get Our Expert Assistance to Obtain Canada Tourist Visa Jalandhar

We know you are excited about visiting Canada. And you are here because you need the right support to reach there. We have immigrated individuals and families from Jalandhar and neighbouring places to Canada. Being a highly reliable Canada Tourist Visa Jalandhar firm, our track record of immigrating aspirants to Canada is commendable. If you are serious about obtaining Canada tourist visa Jalandhar, our experience and expertise in the Tourist visa category will best serve your needs. Avenir Educations assess each case with proficiency and advise the best course of action using our vast experience in this erratic immigration industry.

Why we are the best Canadian tourist visa consultants in Jalandhar?

• We are authorized and licensed immigration consultants.
• We provide genuine guidance about the visa application process.
• Our services are secure and transparent.
• We revaluate an application multiple times before submission.
• We have processed hundreds of tourist visa applications.

Usual Reason to Visit Canada on a Tourist Visa

• Sightseeing
• Perform adventurous activity
• Attend events or festivals
• Experience French heritage
• Explore diversity
• View the world’s longest coastline
• Affordable expenses

There are two types of Canada Tourist Visa

• Single Entry Visa (permitted stay of 6 months).
• Multiple-entry visa (permitted stay of a month to 10 years based on your passport expiry date)

Requirements for Canada Tourist Visa

• National ID
• Valid passport
• Financial statements to cover expenses in Canada.
• Show genuine intent of your stay through cover letter.
• Travel itinerary
• Medical report that states you are in good health.
• Crime free background.
• Proof of family and home tie-ups.

Step by Step Procedure for Applying for Canada Tourist Visa

Step 1

• Application is submitted online with the required documents.
• To add more documents in your file, they can also be quickly submitted online.
• Updates about your applications status are received upon file submission.

Step 2

• Provide your fingerprints and photo biometric detail.
• You will receive a biometric letter to learn the place and time of biometrics. Only after receiving the instruction letter, you will pay the biometrics fee.

Step 3

After biometrics, your application will undergo a full check by the immigration authority. If the documents are found incomplete, they are returned.

Step 4

A visa is granted by Canadian immigration.

Processing Time of Canada Tourist Visa

A maximum of 8 weeks is the processing time of a Canada tourist visa Jalandhar.

Need of Travel Insurance

• It gives you safety during your trip.
• It secures your luggage.
• It covers your medical expenses.
• It covers costs on the delayed or cancelled flights.

Travel Checklist for Canada Tourist Visa Holder

After your arrival at the Canada airport, the immigration authority there may ask you to produce the following essential documents:

• Passport
• Canada tourist visa
• Confirmed return ticket
• Confirmed place of stay details or hotel bookings
• Declaration form that you will receive on flight.
• Canada currency and other forms of forex
• Your smartphone with sim card
• Documents proving your purpose of visit.
• Return ticket


Important Note

Travellers of minor age must stay with the flight attendant until the journey is over as they are responsible for your safety. Also, please take assistance from the airline staff, if you have any doubt during travel.

For fast processing of your Canada Tourist visa application in Jalandhar, get in touch with our Canada tourist visa Jalandhar team.

Tourist Attractions

Niagara Falls - Canada tourist visa Jalandhar
Niagara Falls
Toronto's CN Tower - Canada tourist visa Jalandhar
Toronto's CN Tower
St. John's Signal Hill National Historic Site - Canada tourist visa Jalandhar
St. John's Signal Hill National Historic Site
Ottawa's Parliament Hill -Canada tourist visa Jalandhar
Ottawa's Parliament Hill
Banff National Park - Canadian tourist visa consultants in Jalandhar
Banff National Park
Vancouver Island - Canadian tourist visa consultants in Jalandhar
Vancouver Island

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